I was reading a friends blog and decided I wanted to steal a post and fill in my own answers!
How long have you been together? We've been married for 9 years and 11 months
How long did you know each other before you started dating? a couple of weeks
Who asked who out? Justin asked me out
Who' s siblings do you see the most? I think we see each others siblings about the same
Do you have any children together? Yes - 2 girls - Emma (age 7) Grace (age 6)
What about pets? We have had many but right now we only have an English Cocker Spaniel (dog) named Nick.
Did you go to the same school? Same college... yes!
Are you from the same home town? Nope
Who is the most sensitive? Justin (believe it or not)
Where do you eat out most as a couple? Chilies or Panera Bread...it is a toss up
Where is the furthest you two have traveled together as a couple? hum...probably would be Indiana
Who does the cooking? We share it but Justin might have me beat...he likes to cook
Who is more social? This is easy....Crystal
Who is the neat freak? easy again....Crystal...I have major OCD
Who is the most stubborn? Crystal :(
Who wakes up earlier? Justin...ususally by 20 to 30 mins or so.
Where was your first date? Pizza Hut
Who has the bigger family? Immediate - the same - Extended - Crystal...by far!!!
Do you get flowers often? No :(
How do you spend the holidays? usually at home
Who eats more? Justin usually but he eats a lot more healthier. If it is really good though I might have him beat! :)
Who is the better singer? Crystal
Who does the laundry? Both
Who’s better with the computer? Crystal
Who drives when you are together? Usually Justin
Who eats more sweets? Justin
Who cries more? Probably Crystal