Hello Again! it has been awhile....
Life is going good for the Stalker family. We are all healthy and getting fatter everyday! (The fatter thing...not so good or healthy either!:) ) Work is going well. We have been blessed to say the least! Emma is doing super in school and Grace is like her father...a smarty pants. Grace can not wait until she has finally made it to Kindergarten. She says that her and Emma will play on the same play ground. Emma is excited to go into 2nd grade. Amazing how when you are young you can't wait to grow up. Then something happens when you get in your twenties... you then decide you are "cooler" if you can begin to reverse the aging effect.
The picture with this post was taken before Christmas 2007. it was taken in my (Crystal's) home state of Kentucky. We love going up and spending time with all my family. Justin also gets to hunt and have fun with the guys. The kids love the freedom of the outdoors. They also think camo is cool which just puts a big ol' smile on Justin's face. He most certainly has two "daddy's girls"
Justin and I also have pretty new callings in church. I am music leader and Justin is Elders Quorum President. We both love our calls and are learning and growing with them on a daily basis. I will say that I have had more of a desire to play the piano more than ever. I also have had more of a desire to teach my girls to play. Emma is doing good and I think will want to continue. Grace has a desire but still may be a little young. As for Justin and his calling...well... he is still learning it. It has really only been about a month. He does have a love for the Priesthood. his faith in the gospel is very impressive. Sometime it makes me jealous of his knowledge in the gospel.
Well I need to end this post. We are off to start work in the garden. Did I mention we have an indigo snake in the back. He is very friendly!